BG5 Business Institute

BG5® Business Success Code

Businesses come in many shapes and sizes. While some are solo enterprises or partnerships, many are small businesses made up of working groups of 3-5 people or more. The BG5® Business Success Code identifies a group of 3 to 5 individuals as a Unified Group, which has its own unique dynamic and qualities. Depending on the mix of individuals, this group dynamic can be functional or dysfunctional.

When a small business is comprised of a functional Unified Group or groups, it’s designed for success. In order to accomplish this success, a business must sustain and manage these primary areas: resources and vision, employee reliability and commitment, an effective sales strategy, accountability, customer perception and service, and a productive relationship with outside service providers. Some of the employees of the business will be involved in sustainment, and some in management. Some will be working in-house, and some engaged more with the public. Some will focus on ideas, and some will provide the manpower. In order to create true success, however, all of these areas must be filled by people who are truly suited for, and satisfied by, their role.

12 Business Skills
There are 12 Business Skills that make up a truly functional business. Some of us have many of these skills, some maybe only one. But each skill is equally important in the overall dynamic of the group whole. Missing any of them creates gaps that will stop a business dead in its tracks:

1. Reliability
2. Culture
3. Coordination
4. Commitment
5. Capacity
6. Vision
7. Implementation
8. Public Relations
9. Planning
10. Administration
11. Accounting
12. Oversight

These Business Skills are the building blocks of a successful business. When they’re all brought together in a Unified Group, we can experience an amazing group phenomenon. Unification helps to neutralize the potential of tension within a business, and helps unique individuals work together more smoothly. The efforts of the group become harmonized in pursuit of a common goal.

The BG5™ Success Code and its revolutionary new methods and software, allows BG5™ Consultants to instantaneously see the problem areas within the business, and to offer practical solutions.

The BG5™ Success Code will help your business to:
    * Know which of the 12 Business Skills are present and how they are operating.
    * Understand where the problems and gaps are.
    * Correct the problem areas.
    * Map out the skills and attributes each individual brings to the business.
    * Understand how your business operates in terms of harmony or dissonance, and what affect each individual has on your business.
    * Understand how to best manage your business, or discover who it is that is best suited to manage your team.
    * Understand how to groom the manager of your business for true group success and harmony.
    * Identify the potential for expansion, and how to engineer the business for optimal growth and performance.

The types of analysis provided by a BG5™ Business Consultant include:

* BG5™ Success Code: Alpha One Analysis – for managers, executives and business owners
Alpha One Analysis is a personal business analysis focusing on how to apply your leadership qualities within a business, detailing where and how to concentrate your talent, your time and your energy. Alpha One Analysis will show you what your most productive and satisfying role is, the areas where you need to delegate to others, and how to create an environment of harmony for all involved.

* BG5™ Success Code: Small Business Analysis – for business groups of 3 to 5
Small Business Analysis is a powerfully accurate and efficient analysis of the characteristics, dynamics, potentials and problems of any working group, offering practical and effective recommendations to transform your bottom line.

* BG5™ Success Code: Alpha One Consultation & Engineering (a combination of items 1 and 2)
Designed for business groups and their Owners, Directors and Managers, Alpha One Consultation & Engineering offers a business leader specific insight into, and training in, how to work effectively and profitably with their group. This form of Analysis includes re-engineering, recruitment and expansion.

* BG5™ Success Code: OC16™ Business Analysis – for groups larger than 5 people
The OC16™ methodology provides an understanding of large organization dynamics. This information can provide the basic ‘next steps’ for growing from a smaller business into a larger business as well as map out, and assist with, the dynamics, functionality and engineering of already existing large groups.

Bottom Line
The BG5™ Career & Business System provides us with a BG5™ Success Code that maps out our material life in precise detail. Working with this unique tool is a life and career transforming opportunity for those who want to make a difference in their own lives, and in the lives of others.